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Honor or celebrate your loved ones with an Irish Heritage Tree.
Planted in Ireland, bringing joy to family and friends across the world.

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Irish Heritage Tree and a framed certificate
from $99.98

Free shipping to USA  (+$9.99 for international)

Gift options and additional certificates available!

1 Irish Heritage Tree - $99.98
2 Irish Heritage Trees - $129.98
5 Irish Heritage Trees - $179.98
10 Irish Heritage Trees - $279.98

Extra framed certificates - $44.99 each

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Irish Heritage Tree and an unframed certificate
from $69.99

Free shipping to USA (+$9.99 for international)

Gift options and additional certificates available!

1 Irish Heritage Tree - $69.99
2 Irish Heritage Trees - $99.99
5 Irish Heritage Trees - $149.99
10 Irish Heritage Trees - $249.99

Extra unframed certificates - $14.99 each


Plant 1, 2, 5 or 10 trees in Ireland with one of the following dedications:

  • In celebration - ideal for birthdays, weddings, graduations, newborns or any other joyous occasion

  • In memory - perfect for remembering loved ones, your family heritage, or your personal connection with Ireland

  • In recognition of - take this opportunity to recognize those important to you

  • In honor of - dedicate a tree to someone special as an expression of respect and gratitude

  • In loving memory of - uphold the memory of your loved ones who are no longer with us

 Why dedicate an Irish Heritage Tree?

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An enduring dedication

The Irish Heritage Tree program promises to commemorate the spirit of your loved one, blessed occasion, family name or proud organization. Envision your tree as part of the pastures and woods of the breathtaking landscape of Ireland, surrounded by wildflowers, by pathways and rivers, near the sanctuaries of foxes, birds and fish.

Leave a legacy

The Irish Diaspora has spread Irish ethnicity, culture, and customs far and wide. IrishCentral rejoices in that bond we have with our readers and developing the Irish Heritage Tree program was our effort to give them an opportunity to plant a native tree, their tree, and share this extraordinary gift with family and friends, be it in memory or in celebration.

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Select how many trees to plant

Choose to plant 1, 2, 5 or 10 trees in dedication of your loved ones

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Certificate (+optional frame) sent

You will receive a certificate of dedication from IrishCentral and The Tree Council of Ireland 

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Tree/s are planted

Your tree (or trees) will be planted in a picturesque location in Ireland

"Family has never been more important in these trying times"

“I believe this is an excellent idea that allows members of the Irish Diaspora to plant a tree in the soil of Ireland, for loved and remembered ones. I am happy to be part of it and proud to be the first to plant trees for my beloved family members. I commend IrishCentral and the Tree Council of Ireland for their initiative".

Liam Neeson

Actor, philanthropist and Irish Heritage Tree supporter

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IrishCentral and the Tree Council of Ireland are delighted to be working together to provide a program that is not only deeply personally significant but also has a positive environmental impact.


Where will my tree be planted?

Our first forest will be located in the picturesque Golden Vale of Ireland, by Bansha, County Tipperary, by the banks of the Fadaghta River. St. Patrick is reported to have washed his hands and face here. We are hoping to plant a second forest later this year.

When will my tree be planted?

To ensure your tree endures and stands for its natural life cycle, all trees will be planted during Ireland's prime tree planting season, between November and April each year.

When will I receive my certificate? 

Once we receive your order, our fulfilment specialists will send your certificate within 10 business days. 

Where do you ship the certificate??

Our fulfilment partner is located in the United States with shipping available worldwide

Can I plant more than one tree?

Yes, you can choose to plant one, two, five or ten trees. You receive 1 certificate per order.

Where can I go for help? 

Reach out to us at

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